So, can diabetics drink wine? We are getting so many questions about whether diabetics can drink wine. The shortest possible answer is yes with a huge ‘but’ wrapped up around it. If you are a diabetic, you can drink wine as long as you are aware of the side effects and how you can drink […]
Category Archives: Health & Wine
Are you worried about the sugar content in wine? With so many of us following low sugar diets or omitting it altogether, a concern about sugar levels in wines could mean the kiss of death for your nightly glass of wine. But it doesn’t have to be. In fact, you don’t have to veto vino […]
Let’s face it, social distancing was never going to come between people and their wine, so we’ve reimagined socialising at home. A recent article by The IWSR stated that as social distancing was fast becoming the new norm, that anything or anyone who can offer ‘a sense of discovery, community and social giving will do […]
Do you know about these common (and not so common) wine additives? Winemaking, in theory, is such an easy process – you pick grapes, crush them and let the naturally present yeast work its magic. Using the sugar from the grapes, the yeast turns the resulting liquid from grape juice into wine. But life isn’t […]
Natural wine can be divisive amongst those who consider themselves oenophiles. And yes, not all natural wines are great examples of the category, but that is the case the wine world over – even in the same cellar there will be great years of one wine and poor years of the same one. Such is […]
Natural wines are essentially wines made in harmony with planet earth. And this is where the debate about vegan wine arose. The natural wine movement has been the biggest game-changer in the 21st-century wine world and for very good reasons. To class a wine as natural, the general idea is that the whole production of the […]
Is organic wine sulphite-free wine? Sadly, the short answer is no. Sulphite free wine doesn’t exist because sulphites are naturally present due to all wine’s fermentation process. But what makes the difference is the levels of sulphur in wine. Hold on, don’t jump to any conclusions just yet. Stay with us, we’re getting to the […]
For those of you that lead busy lifestyles and who don’t have enough time to meditate, Winefulness is for you! What is Winefulness, or wine mindfulness? Being able to be present in the moment and finding a moment of peace at the end of a hard day. Winefulness is all about learning to experience your […]
Most people don’t wonder when they open a bottle of wine, how many calories there are in it. But I bet you will now you’ve read this. You see we pour over food labels, obsess about the sugar content of desserts and worry about the calorific content of a slice of pizza; but when it […]
Not a day seems to go by when we aren’t bombarded with various news articles proclaiming the detrimental effects of drinking wine. Just when you think you’ll never imbibe another drop again, the pendulum swings the other way and a piece of science lauding the health benefits of wine is released, and we consumers are […]
Histamine free wine, is it a thing? Do you experience unexplained headaches when drinking wine? Does your face flush when you drink red wine? If you’ve suffered from seasonal allergies or food allergies, you may have noticed that antihistamine medications like Zyrtec, Allegra or Benedryl provide quick relief of your symptoms. This is because histamine is […]
We had a great pleasure to talk with Eve Kalinik about natural wines and healthy eating. Eve’s passion for nutrition comes from a true love and appreciation of food. Eve Kalinik is an advocate of conscious eating, a leading nutritional therapist, and one of the tutors for THE GUARDIAN masterclasses. She is the author of […]
As we concentrate on the sustainable, environmental and health segment of the wine market, January is the perfect time to be thinking about drinking consciously rather than in quantity like over Christmas. So let’s focus on the lower alcohol, lower tannin & sulphates and more sustainably produced wines so you can drink consciously any time. If you’re like […]
What are sulphites? Sulphites in wine are chemical compounds (sulphur dioxide, or SO2) that occur naturally, to a varying degree, in all types of wine. Sulphites act as both a wine’s preservative and enhancer, many vintners purposely add sulphites at key moments of the winemaking process to quickly halt on-going fermentation or to help protect […]
I understand that you might be like, does this guy really drink at breakfast….? My answer to that is, rather than the word ‘drink’, I use the word ‘enjoy’. Just like a Bellini, having a glass of low alcohol wine at breakfast, on a nice relaxing weekend is just perfect! After all the weekend is […]
Think you know all the benefits of natural red wine? We might prove you wrong. Wine, or variants of it, have been around for millennia, with the earliest version of Pull the Cork around over six thousand years ago in Armenia – well, a winery producing natural red wine – which is what we sell. […]
All of our customers drink responsibly and have never had a hangover in their lives. But that might not be the case for their more unfortunate friends. So here we are, asking for a friend, what are the best hangover cures? Maybe it would help to know what a hangover is. But despite our ability […]
For one of the oldest wine-producing wine regions in the world, the wines of Greece haven’t risen quickly. Greece has been known for producing wines that don’t necessarily give it a good name – to name one; Retsina…Retsina is a uniquely flavoured wine to say the very least! A wine that is made using pine […]
That question you are probably asking yourself every Monday night – ‘Which Wines Are The Best For Your Health‘? These health benefits should inspire you to pour a glass of our sustainable wine tonight. You may have heard that wine offers health benefits… Some of what you hear may be wishful thinking or the exaggerated […]
The natural wine movement is now reaching new heights, both in terms of production and consumption, and there are still a lot of people out there, especially those that we are preaching to that still don’t know a lot about natural wine. I think now it’s time to define these wines so consumers know that what […]
Why do some wines give you a headache? This is a common question these days. Aside from drinking too much, there could be a legitimate reason for your pain! Some people believe that post-wine headaches are caused by sulphites in wine but this myth has since been debunked by experts. Instead, we should be pointing the […]