So, what are the benefits of a Pull The Cork wine subscription?
Wondering whether our monthly wine delivery is worth your money? Here are some of the benefits to our monthly wine subscription and wine club (if you aren’t already aware of the awesomeness of our offerings that is…)
Value for money
When you take out a wine subscription you like to think you’re getting a good deal – which with us, naturally you are.
With a Pull The Cork wine subscription, you’re paying for exceedingly good wine to be delivered to your door on a regular basis. Plus we make the wine selection for you so all you have to do is sit back and quaff.
Name us a better, more magical delivery and we’ll point out all the ways you’re wrong.
Not convinced?
Let’s take a look at what else you might buy for equivalent money:
£40 (cost of The Dabbler)
- 400 penny sweets (no, we aren’t bad at maths. We are adjusting for inflation and assuming a penny sweet no longer costs a penny).
- Gym membership – hahaha, no seriously, that’s how much it costs. We know, we know, who in their right mind would choose to hang out in a sweatbox over quaffing a chilled glass of viognier?
- A 4 pack of loo roll (on the black market)
£100 (cost of The Discovery)
- A one-way train ticket to Manchester (if you’re in the UK), or a return ticket from Paris to Milan (when the world’s not in lockdown that is…)
- A nerf gun (OK this one is actually quite cool, forget we said that).
- 50 lottery tickets (yeah, the price doubled) or 40 EuroMillions tickets (even more expensive) – just FYI, one of these will give you 6 bottles of wine each month, the other will give you several slips of worthless paper…
£250 (cost of The Bold Adventurer)
- A new vacuum cleaner (that sounds fun)
- A carbon fibre toilet seat
- 1lb Kopi Luwak coffee (check it out then tell us which you’d rather drink – 12 bottles of exclusive vintage wine each month or this ‘delicious’ coffee)
Genuine return on your investment
Are you just being duped into handing over your email address and your cash each month, or are you actually getting something worthwhile in return when you take out a Pull The Cork wine subscription?
Let’s allay those fears – of course we’re after your email address, we’re hoarders and we like to collect them.
But in return you do get a selection of superb wine, a different one each month getting you out of that wine rut – that is definitely a good exchange.
In fact, this is what you get:
#1 The Dabbler wine subscription
– If you opt for The Dabbler you get 6 bottles of outstanding wine delivered every 3 months, 15% discount on all our wines, and invitations to our wine tastings and supper clubs among other perks.
#2 The Discovery wine subscription
– If you splash out and go for The Discovery you get to swill (don’t spit) a mixed wine case of truly exclusive, limited vintages each and every month (this one is a bit special in that you’ll be one of only a select group of people in this club). You also get the 15% discount etc.
#3 The Bold Adventure wine subscription
– But if you go all out and take advantage of The Bold Adventure, well, world domination awaits you in return. Kidding. But you do get a 12 bottle case of the most interesting, limited production wines, plus free tickets to all Pull The Cork events throughout the year, and that’s kind of the same thing (plus the 15% discount etc).
Membership to an exclusive monthly wine club
You get to laugh at all those clueless beings who haven’t yet discovered the joys of a Pull The Cork subscription and who still have to go to the shops to get their wine…
Imagine only having access to the same selection of mass-produced plonk that tastes worse than licking the inside of your trainer and is probably responsible for Covid-19*?
*We aren’t 100% sure of this fact, but it sounds plausible.
When you opt to be a member of our exclusive monthly wine club, you get a whole host of perks:
- Exclusive access to our finest wines
- 15% discount across our entire range
- The knowledge that you’re an early adopter
- The convenience of having your booze delivered to your front door
- The chance to taste wine that you might otherwise never have experienced
Pull The Cork Wine Subscription Saves You Time
We know that the one thing you wish you had more of right now is time to spend at home doing all those things you’ve been putting off.
Well thanks to coronavirus and self-isolation, now you can.
And with our wine subscription service you don’t even need to leave the house to get wine to break the monotony (nor then struggle home under the weight of all your purchases). You get the best low sulphur wine, vegan wine, low histamine wine, and natural wines, your absolute favourites, delivered direct to your front door. And you will be able to discover new wines that you haven’t before (such as finding out what is fortified wine and enjoying its rich taste).
You don’t have to worry about missing that rerun of Aussie Gold Hunters, or wonder if you’ll have time to nip to the wine warehouse between pretending to WFH and ‘entertaining’ your kids.
With a Pull The Cork wine subscription you CAN have it all, don’t say we aren’t good to you.
You’re welcome.